Wednesday 29 October 2014

museum enviroment in karongi

 Rwanda is the leading country in Africa for the preservation of the environment since 10 years. The country has decided to open up a first and best environment museum in Africa which is located in western province of Rwanda in karongi district, 136 kilometers from Kigali city. The country has banned plastic bags, has re introduced animals and the birth rate is on the rise. Rwanda will be also the first East African country to open a solar power plant. In the effort to have better conserve and preserve environment, The Environmental museum in Bwushyura sector, Karongi district is under construction. The project has undertaken by the government of Rwanda. This environment museum aims to educate tourist or visitors and help them to better understand the imperativeness of protecting and safeguarding the environment. The building will consist 2 floors with a traditional herbal medicine garden with 127 tree species based on the rooftop.
The museum will consume a whooping or worth 1.3 billion Rwanda francs once complete this museum is the first of its kind in Africa. The establishment of the museum in the district of karongi will provide job opportunities to the local residents and will attract tourists and hence reduce UN employment in the area. The residents will be trained on how to conserve the environment which includes Lake Kivu, the steep of the hills among others. The museum will share some of the historical fossils of reptiles from neighboring countries such as Burundi, so as to attract more regional tourism and international tourists. The environment museum is the 6th branch of the Institute of National Museums of Rwanda. Its completion is expected in October this year. End .therefore when it finished there will be a variety of exhibitions includes of roof garden made of traditional medicine plants and the first theme will be developed for the exhibition will be focused on source of energy in Rwanda .this museum will display the role played by energy in changing environment and its impact.

Monday 27 October 2014

presidential palece museum kanombe

presidential palece museum kanombe ,is located in kanombe aproximently 2km from international airport.this museum is served as the presedentail palece meseum both Juvenal Habyarimana and pesteur Bizimungu .since 1970 up to 2000,the presidential palece museum gives visitors an insigth into the ways how the president was living .the fligth debris from the falcon 50s presidentail jet that went down on 6th april 1994 is also found at this heritege site.for the people who may have one hour or two hours spare when in kigali ,the place is interesting in the process of ways that the president was living,this house was used by president immidetaily before and after genocide ,you get guide informative tours where you see secret stairs .visit the privete nigthclub ,see the pythons of president privete swiming pool and stand in the room where genocide was planed and see also parts of the  presidents shot down plane landed outside in the garden to get the museum drive to the airport but keep on  going to another couple past kanombe militaru base . when the tarmic run out of the museum is another 400 yards further along and i think the costs for non resident is 6000frw.

Friday 24 October 2014

The ethnographic museum of Huye of rwanda

The ethnographic museum of Huye in Rwanda was inaugurated 18th September 1989 and to this date house one of African finest ethnographic collection The ethnographic museum is located in huye district in southern part of Rwanda and it is aproximently 132 kilometers from Kigali city .this museum is contains six galleries that indicates historical of Rwanda ethnographic and archaeological artifacts, thus giving visitors a rich and thorough insight into the Rwanda culture heritage. The Ethnographic Museum was the first Museum to be opened in Rwanda and is mainly known for its Collection on Rwanda’s rich culture and way of life; that is to say Farming, Hunting, fishing, pottery, dress code and many more elements of Rwandan Culture. As community based project the Institute of National Museums of Rwanda has on site a Teaching Center of Traditional Handcrafts that works with young children with an aim of preserving and restoring Rwanda’s Culture.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Nyanza’s main tourist attraction

Nyanza’s main tourist attraction, this ancient hilltop palace marks the site of the old Mwami’s (King’s) home.
This museum is located in nyanza district in southern province of Rwanda approximately 88 kilometers from Kigali city and is the top touristic reason for visiting Nyanza, situated on a hilltop about 2km southwest of the centre, The traditional ancient palace of the Mwami has been reconstructed, together with some other buildings, beside the newer Western-style palace built for Mwami Rudahigwa Mutara III in 1932. In olden times, Nyanza was the heart of Rwanda and seat of its monarchy, background to the oral tradition of battles and conquests, power struggles and royal intrigues. It is where the German colonisers came, at the end of the 19th century, to visit the Mwami – and contemporary reports tell of the great pomp and ceremony these visits occasioned, as well as the impressive size of the Mwami’s court. The traditional palace has been carefully reconstructed and maintained, and contains the king’s massive bed as well as various utensils. English- and French-speaking guides are available to relate the history and traditions of the royal court – there is even significance attached to some of the poles supporting the roof; for example, the one at the entrance to the king’s bed is named ‘do not speak of what happens here’ and another conferred sanctuary on anyone touching it. The newer palace is a typical colonial-era building with its spacious rooms and wide balcony. The Travellers’ Guide above also states: ‘In certain circumstances, and with the permission of the local authorities, he [the Mwami] may be visited at his palace which is built on modern lines, furnished in good taste and richly decorated with trophies in an oriental manner.’ In more recent times, the rundown palace served for several years as the part-time home of Rwanda’s National Ballet (the Intore dancers). Now fully restored, it reopened in May 2008 as a museum whose exhibits relate to the two rulers who lived here during the early to mid 20th century, as well as the more ancient history of the Rwanda Empire. Several original items of royal furniture decorate the interior, and the walls are adorned with monochrome photographs. Other displays depict the palace when it was in use, and chart the history of Rwanda from the 5th century onwards. At Rukali visitors can enjoy procession Rwanda traditional cows, inyambo, famous for their impressive long horn, gentle narture and their traditional poem.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

a kagera national park

Rwanda may not seems to be the  obvious  choices typically of safari holidays but you’re traveling here in anywhere a kagera national park in eastern part o f Rwanda is worth explore ,it is the one in Africa prettiest park with lolling hills and deep valley ,savanna plain to the northern, lakes and papyrus swamps in the its eastern  border ,which includes the largest protected wetland in central Africa and it is the home of some animals 8000 and over 480 species of birds and which make akagera interesting destination of  bird watching in holidays ,although mountgorilla trekking are the stars to show ,there are shows of other primates opportunity while holiday in Rwanda .nyungwe forest national park is a home to  thirteen primate different species among chimpanzee and colobus monkey both can be tracked ,indeed ,nyungwes  Columbus monkey can be seen in spectacular troops of several hundred, believed to be among  largest number worldwide .and in volcano national park there are two groups endangered of golden monkey ,there have been habituated trekking with  visitors pretty and playful there are  delighted to watch.

Monday 20 October 2014

National Nyungwe Forest

Without a doubt, Rwanda's largest tourist draw is its population of wild mountain gorillas. Trekking through the misty jungle of Volcanoes National Park, you can encounter these endangered animals, a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. In the south-west, Parc National Nyungwe Forest is home to chimpanzees and colobus monkeys. All visitors to Rwanda should spent time at the Kigali Memorial Centre, a solemn and moving testimonial to the atrocities of the 1994 genocide. Then look around at Kigali today - a growing city with a positive outlook.the Land of a Thousand Hills - welcomes you with open arms. Rwanda's devastating history is etched into our global consciousness, yet its present-day reality is one of stability, a friendly populace and jaw-dropping mountain scenery. A knowledgeable local guide is waiting to introduce you to their homeland on a private Rwanda tour.your guide wants to your make unforgotable in life