Wednesday 22 October 2014

a kagera national park

Rwanda may not seems to be the  obvious  choices typically of safari holidays but you’re traveling here in anywhere a kagera national park in eastern part o f Rwanda is worth explore ,it is the one in Africa prettiest park with lolling hills and deep valley ,savanna plain to the northern, lakes and papyrus swamps in the its eastern  border ,which includes the largest protected wetland in central Africa and it is the home of some animals 8000 and over 480 species of birds and which make akagera interesting destination of  bird watching in holidays ,although mountgorilla trekking are the stars to show ,there are shows of other primates opportunity while holiday in Rwanda .nyungwe forest national park is a home to  thirteen primate different species among chimpanzee and colobus monkey both can be tracked ,indeed ,nyungwes  Columbus monkey can be seen in spectacular troops of several hundred, believed to be among  largest number worldwide .and in volcano national park there are two groups endangered of golden monkey ,there have been habituated trekking with  visitors pretty and playful there are  delighted to watch.

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